Threading the City Celebrated Miami and the Burgeoning of the World of Textile Arts.

In Search of Dreams: The Migrant Experience.
Cultural Institute at the Consulate General of Mexico in Miami, Rina Gitlin/RTcurated rinagitlin@gmail.com/ Adriana Torres; In Search of Dreams: The Migrant Experience. Address: 1399 SW 1st Avenue, Miami, FL 33130. Hours of Operation: M-F, 10:00 am- 5:00 pm. Opening: October 27, 2022, 7:00 pm, Closing and workshop with Aurora Molina, November 10, 2022, 5 pm. Artists: Bobbi Baugh, Sharon Berebichez, Nancy Billings, Liene Bosquê, Melani Brewer, Mabelin Castellanos, Maruchi Carmona, Perla Gonzalez, Mila Hajjar, Andrea Huffman, Shelly McCoy, Aurora Molina, Vero Murphy, Alicia Rodriguez, Debora Rosental, Maya Schonenberger, Silvana Soriano, Marilyn Valiente, Laura Villareal.

A Room of One's Own
The CAMP Gallery, hello@thecampgallery.com, INSTALLATION: Maria Gabriela Di Giammarco; Curators: Melanie Prapopoulos, Maria Gabriela Di Giammarco; Women Pulling at the Threads of Social Discourse: A Room of Our Own. Address: 791 NE 125th St. North Miami, FL 33161. 786-953-8807. Hours of operation: Tues.-Sat., 11-5, Opening, Friday, October 28, 2022, 6 p. m.- 9:00 p. m., through December 15, 2022. Instagram: thecampgallery/. Artistas: Aida Tejada, Alina Rodriguez Rojo, Alissa Alfonso, Amy Gelb, Angela Bolanos, Anna Biondo, Aurora Molina, Carolina Romeo, Debora Rosental, Donna Ruff, Evelyn Politzer, Grayson Beaulieu, Jeannette Gonzalez-Crato, Joan Wheeler, Juliana Torres, Karina Hovaghimian, Laetitia Adam Rabel, Laura Villareal, Liene Bosquê, Lisa Rockford, Lydia Viscardi, Mabelin Castellanos, Margaret Roleke, Marilyn Valiente, Maru Ulivi, Mirele C C Volkart, Monica Avayou, Monica Czukerberg, Natalia Schonowski, Natalie Plasencia, Orly Kadosh, Paola Mondolfi, Patricia Cooke, Patty Suau, Rita Valley, Sandra Onetti, Sharon Berebichez, Shelly McCoy, Shirley Chong, SIlvana Soriano, Silvia Yapur, Sofia Jacobs, Sooo-z Mastropietro, Star Trauth, Tatiana Zaytseva.
A Room of One's Own
The CAMP Gallery, hello@thecampgallery.com, INSTALLATION: Maria Gabriela Di Giammarco; Curators: Melanie Prapopoulos, Maria Gabriela Di Giammarco; Women Pulling at the Threads of Social Discourse: A Room of Our Own. Address: 791 NE 125th St. North Miami, FL 33161. 786-953-8807. Hours of operation: Tues.-Sat., 11-5, Opening, Friday, October 28, 2022, 6 p. m.- 9:00 p. m., through December 15, 2022. Instagram: thecampgallery/. Artistas: Aida Tejada, Alina Rodriguez Rojo, Alissa Alfonso, Amy Gelb, Angela Bolanos, Anna Biondo, Aurora Molina, Carolina Romeo, Debora Rosental, Donna Ruff, Evelyn Politzer, Grayson Beaulieu, Jeannette Gonzalez-Crato, Joan Wheeler, Juliana Torres, Karina Hovaghimian, Laetitia Adam Rabel, Laura Villareal, Liene Bosquê, Lisa Rockford, Lydia Viscardi, Mabelin Castellanos, Margaret Roleke, Marilyn Valiente, Maru Ulivi, Mirele C C Volkart, Monica Avayou, Monica Czukerberg, Natalia Schonowski, Natalie Plasencia, Orly Kadosh, Paola Mondolfi, Patricia Cooke, Patty Suau, Rita Valley, Sandra Onetti, Sharon Berebichez, Shelly McCoy, Shirley Chong, SIlvana Soriano, Silvia Yapur, Sofia Jacobs, Sooo-z Mastropietro, Star Trauth, Tatiana Zaytseva.
A Room of One's Own
The CAMP Gallery, hello@thecampgallery.com, INSTALLATION: Maria Gabriela Di Giammarco; Curators: Melanie Prapopoulos, Maria Gabriela Di Giammarco; Women Pulling at the Threads of Social Discourse: A Room of Our Own. Address: 791 NE 125th St. North Miami, FL 33161. 786-953-8807. Hours of operation: Tues.-Sat., 11-5, Opening, Friday, October 28, 2022, 6 p. m.- 9:00 p. m., through December 15, 2022. Instagram: thecampgallery/. Artistas: Aida Tejada, Alina Rodriguez Rojo, Alissa Alfonso, Amy Gelb, Angela Bolanos, Anna Biondo, Aurora Molina, Carolina Romeo, Debora Rosental, Donna Ruff, Evelyn Politzer, Grayson Beaulieu, Jeannette Gonzalez-Crato, Joan Wheeler, Juliana Torres, Karina Hovaghimian, Laetitia Adam Rabel, Laura Villareal, Liene Bosquê, Lisa Rockford, Lydia Viscardi, Mabelin Castellanos, Margaret Roleke, Marilyn Valiente, Maru Ulivi, Mirele C C Volkart, Monica Avayou, Monica Czukerberg, Natalia Schonowski, Natalie Plasencia, Orly Kadosh, Paola Mondolfi, Patricia Cooke, Patty Suau, Rita Valley, Sandra Onetti, Sharon Berebichez, Shelly McCoy, Shirley Chong, SIlvana Soriano, Silvia Yapur, Sofia Jacobs, Sooo-z Mastropietro, Star Trauth, Tatiana Zaytseva.
Museum of Contemporary Art of the Americas
Subverting Materials: Fiber and Textile Art by Women Artists
@ Museum of Contemporary Art of the Americas
Opening: Friday, November 11, 2022, 6-11 pm
Subversion of Materials: Textile and Fiber Art by Women Artists
Since ancient times, the number nine has been associated with the nine months of pregnancy and thus represents the feminine principle of creation. On the other hand, according to Hindu philosophy, the creators of the classical arts found nine emotions or artistic moods that are part of the expressions of life. With these principles in mind, nine women artists were chosen for this exhibition: Aimée García, Aimée Pérez, Allison Kotzig, Evelyn Politzer, Ivonne Ferrer, Karla Kantorovich, Liberty Worth, Milena-Martínez Pedrosa, and Valerie Lustgarten. Each of them uses techniques considered domestic or crafts—such as sewing, weaving, embroidery, or quilting—transforming or subverting them into works of contemporary art that express different messages and emotions. The exhibition conceived as part of the project Threading the City, organized by the Fiber Artists Miami Association (FAMA), highlights the work of these nine artists who use fibers or textiles but also recognizes them individually for their originality,manual dexterity, and conceptual strength.

A Room of One's Own
The CAMP Gallery, hello@thecampgallery.com, INSTALLATION: Maria Gabriela Di Giammarco; Curators: Melanie Prapopoulos, Maria Gabriela Di Giammarco; Women Pulling at the Threads of Social Discourse: A Room of Our Own. Address: 791 NE 125th St. North Miami, FL 33161. 786-953-8807. Hours of operation: Tues.-Sat., 11-5, Opening, Friday, October 28, 2022, 6 p. m.- 9:00 p. m., through December 15, 2022. Instagram: thecampgallery/. Artistas: Aida Tejada, Alina Rodriguez Rojo, Alissa Alfonso, Amy Gelb, Angela Bolanos, Anna Biondo, Aurora Molina, Carolina Romeo, Debora Rosental, Donna Ruff, Evelyn Politzer, Grayson Beaulieu, Jeannette Gonzalez-Crato, Joan Wheeler, Juliana Torres, Karina Hovaghimian, Laetitia Adam Rabel, Laura Villareal, Liene Bosquê, Lisa Rockford, Lydia Viscardi, Mabelin Castellanos, Margaret Roleke, Marilyn Valiente, Maru Ulivi, Mirele C C Volkart, Monica Avayou, Monica Czukerberg, Natalia Schonowski, Natalie Plasencia, Orly Kadosh, Paola Mondolfi, Patricia Cooke, Patty Suau, Rita Valley, Sandra Onetti, Sharon Berebichez, Shelly McCoy, Shirley Chong, SIlvana Soriano, Silvia Yapur, Sofia Jacobs, Sooo-z Mastropietro, Star Trauth, Tatiana Zaytseva.


Friday, November 11, 2022, from 5 pm to 6 pm: A conversation with a group of local artists participating in the exhibition Subverting Materials: Fiber and Textile Art by Women Artists, curated by Dr. Francine Birbragher for the Museum of Contemporary Art
of the Americas, with works by Aimee García, Aimee Pérez, Allison Kotzig, Evelyn Politzer, Ivonne Ferrer, Karla Kantorovich, Liberty Worth, Milena Martínez-Pedrosa, and Valerie Lustgarten. The Miami-based artists will dialogue about the ancestral and
contemporary representation of women's fiber art.
Amee Perez Lilith, Unearthed
Friday, November 11, 2022, from 5 pm to 6 pm: A conversation with a group of local artists participating in the exhibition Subverting Materials: Fiber and Textile Art by Women Artists, curated by Dr. Francine Birbragher for the Museum of Contemporary Art
of the Americas, with works by Aimee García, Aimee Pérez, Allison Kotzig, Evelyn Politzer, Ivonne Ferrer, Karla Kantorovich, Liberty Worth, Milena Martínez-Pedrosa, and Valerie Lustgarten. The Miami-based artists will dialogue about the ancestral and
contemporary representation of women's fiber art.

Amee Perez Lilith, Unearthed

Threading the City-MTB- Education
Florida Humanities supports public educative events during MTB, Threading the City.
“Funding for this program was provided through a grant from Florida Humanities with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this (publication) (program) (exhibition) (website) do not necessarily represent those of Florida Humanities or the National Endowment for the Humanities.”
Florida Humanities supports public educational programming in conjunction with Threading the City, a fusion of the Fiber Artists Miami Association (FAMA), local art curators, and art historians. A great range of textile art exhibits and educational events thread across Miami from October-January 2023.
Find more images on Instagram: Fiberartistsmiassociation

Conversations with fiber artists Pip Brant, Aurora Molina, and Evelyn Politzer, moderated by Adriana Herrera, PhD. Funded by the Florida Humanities Council. Pinta Art Fair, Miami Art Week.
HARTVEST Project @ Pinecrest Gardens, Life at Street Level (Cypress Hall), and Nature and History, (outdoor sculptures by the bird cages and exterior site-specific installation). introduced by Adriana Herrera, PhD. Funded by the Florida Humanities Council. Address:

Aluna Art Foundation public talk at the exhibition Braiding Times, at Tanya Brillembourg Art, Key Biscayne showcasing Guatemalan contemporary art made by the Mayan descendant artists Antonio Pichinlla, Tepeu Choc, and Manuel Chavajay. Funded by the Florida Humanities Council. Address: The Museum of Contemporary Art of the Americas,

Subverting Materials: Fiber and Textile Art by Women Artists with participating artists Aimée García, Aimée Pérez, Allison Kotzig, Evelyn Politzer, Ivonne Ferrer, Karla Kantorovich, Liberty Worth, Milena Martínez-Pedrosa and Valerie Lustgarten led by Francine Birbragher, PhD, and introduced by Adriana Herrera, PhD. Funded by the Florida Humanities Council. Address: The Museum of Contemporary Art of the Americas,

Funding for FAMA’s Threading the City is provided in part by the Ellies Art Awards, Oolite Arts.

“With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.”

“Funding for this program was provided through a grant from Florida Humanities with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this (publication) (program) (exhibition) (website) do not necessarily represent those of Florida Humanities or the National Endowment for the Humanities.”